
I wrote SAK-Swiss Army Knife Network Tool as a study help in network portion of security+. I'm releasing with an MIT license in the hope someone might find it useful. The program has some dummy checks but if you put in an improper IP it will just give an incorrect result.

The program features are:

Quick IP number conversion for hex, binary, decimal, and dotted decimal, with automatic network class detection.

Subnetwork mask IP generator with number of hosts, networks, and/or bit numbers. also presents mask in sectioned binary.

Determine if two IPs are on same subnetwork and are valid.

Handy clipboard and copy buttons for returned info.

Subnetwork class reference chart.

The zipped file with hash on js file is at:

Memphiswebprogramming page link for SAK IP Network Tool

SAK IP Network tool stand-alone page link

Jim Atkins

Created on March 15, 2016